Join Today

To get more information about our club, the next step is to email Coach Phil at [email protected].

Learn To Skate

We continually offer Learn to Skate enrollment during our season. When you find out you love this sport, the Learn to Skate cost is rolled into regular membership. If you are a speed demon or know one, give us a holler and find your home on the ice. The instructors enjoy the lessons as much as the kids. It is great to see kids go from “Dad, I need help, hold my hand,” to “I got this Dad, see you after practice”.

Skaters should be at least four years old to be ready to learn.  Of course, our Learn to Skate program is open to adults as well! 

Required Gear:

  • Helmet
  • Long pants and Long sleeves
  • Gloves/Mittens
  • Recommended: Neck Protectors (like used in hockey), Shin Guards (like used in soccer), Knee Pads and Elbow Pads (like used for inline skating)


Gateway will fit participants with speed skates from the club locker. Not all sizes are available but we will do our best! Hockey and figure skates can also be used when starting out.


$45 for four sessions + $50 for the US Speedskating 1st year membership


If you are a seasoned skater and would like to intermittently join practice sessions, you can join at Drop-In rates listed below. The club reserves the right to determine eligibility. We’d love to see you around!

Drop-In Skating Fee: $25 per session

Drop-In 10 Pack: $250 for 10 sessions


Ages 4-7$425
Ages 8-11$600
Ages 12 and over$755
Skate Rental$150
Costs are for the full skating season. Skate rentals are an additional cost if needed.

When applying for a club membership, you will also need a US Speedskating membership. For updated membership prices, go to the US Speedskating website.